11-23-2004, 08:07 PM
Vicious Wrote:With that being said, I think BE is on to something. I'm sorry, but most people that like anime are either fat slobs, or pimple faced geeks. It's true. Go to a con and see for yourself. The percentage of unattractive people is higher at an anime con then it is compared to the percentage of unattractive people in general. I would not hang out with 95% of anime fans. Call me stuck up or whatever, but I'm not hanging out with total dorks.It's interesting to watch a con over the course of the day. As it gets later, the smaller weaker uber-otaku who have been online since 5am get tired and thin out. Meanwhile the more "normal" people who were up untill 4am partying(the real kind not lan... well maybe a little lan) take their place as their hang-overs fade. Of course, there are still the super uber-otaku who can survive for days on the promise of knowing more obscure trivia than someone else, Pocky, and their desire to keep moving as so to always be upwind of themselves. But there is more of a balance.
r00ster Wrote:The problem with this theory is... that only those types would be caught dead at an anime con in full-out cosplay, because their social standing can't possibly get any lower...Ill have you know that cosplay, while dangerous, can be enjoyable... wait no... can be done without ruining of your social standing (provided it exists to begin with). While most people forget that they aren't really Inu Yasha, there are a few who know better than to ever acknowledge their costume out side of the con setting. And boy is it fun to confuse and bewilder the local workers. Or even better, homeless people, who aren't sure if you are real or another vision brought on by bargin priced gin.
All of the good looking/normal/socially skilled ones are closet fans like the girlfriend and I... it's one thing to like anime, secretly... and a whole different thing to eat, drink, breathe and shit anime, and wishing your life -was- an anime.
As for cons in general, w/o cos-play they can be quite fun for the casual fan, or even non fan, if you follow two rules:
1. Go to a big con, a small one would be like going to EuroDisney to find out if you might like Disney World.
2. Saftey in numbers. If you look lonely a big sweaty guy will make you his bitch, but unlike prison you can't shank him later. Besides, sarcastic comments are not funny unless someone hears them.
As for the equation, anyone ever notice that beside being ugly and awkward, geek girls often have breasts far larger than they should. Now I don't mean anime geeks but all full on hardcore geek girls. Watching some of them walk is watching one of those ball clacker things people put on their desks. Sure one could theorize that the over sized breasts might lead to an awkard puberty causeing the girls to be less social, thus becoming geeks who never learn about make-up and fashion, but I doubt it.