11-12-2004, 09:33 PM
Great games but I get the impresion the single player is just a teaser for whats to come.Its more of a xbox live expansion pack.Multiplayer works like a charm but the single player lets the game down.I can see this game being extremely overated simply because of the live gaming and all the people without live are going to wondering what the fuss is about.Single player is absolutly full of bugs.And if you run without killing very much the game is ultra short.I forgot to save and had to redo an hour and a hlaf of game.I killed maybe 2 creatures and it took 15 mins max.Ive juped through a wall, got stuck on several rocks,looked through walls, watched enemy run through walls,blown enemy through walls,watched enemy coming at me then turn round when they reach their area limit.Not to mention all the texture problems and slowdown in cutscenes.I even got about 20 free kills to enemy that get stuck like a brocken record half turning towards me then repeating animation from start.
Multplayer seems to have no problems(at least in lan) and rocks totaly.
Multplayer seems to have no problems(at least in lan) and rocks totaly.
masamune arcade..........still in development