11-04-2004, 12:14 AM
Cidien Wrote:Yes, that's true too. I'd rather have greedy hard working people in my party than violent, radical and lazy ass people looking for hand outs from the government. Man does welfare need reform. Way too damn many people sitting on their asses getting paid for it. Almost the entire apartment complex next to my girlfriends house is full of people on welfare with no intention of getting a job.
Liberalism is considered radical by people like you, since you guys are far too concerned with making money for yourself, shifting tax burden from yourself to people who actually work. I don't think republicans are hard working. They're 'old money', or the people that benefit from Bush's tax cuts, that is, the cuts that benefit people who live off of revenue from the market, bonds, stocks, shares, whatever. The debt is later shifted towards people like my mom and I who have to live off of income procured through work. My mom is an Market researcher for a large company and will not benefit at all from those taxes. As for your Broad generalizations, liberal economics is not about welfare for the poor, but being able to help those that need help, such as low income or unemplpyed people who can't find good or better jobs. The people that lost their jobs in that net loss of 800,000 people I mentioned earlier, would benefit from a democrat economic agenda more than Bush's tax cuts. Tax cuts don't mean much to people who have no job.