japan audio sub guys that is the best
akamikegansta, I don't think that I could mangle the English language that much if I tried. It surprises me that you can even comprehend subtitles when you type with grammar like that.

I'm being a bit harsh because I find it hard to believe that someone would join this forum with the sole intention of starting a flame war.

Rule #1: No sub vs. dub threads.
Rule #2: No sub (or dub) is best threads.

I wish there was rule #3 about grammar and punctuation but I realize that school is failing us these days and it can be challenging to type out complete thoughts.

Read the FAQ.
And welcome to the forum akamikegansta. Try not to be an ass... we've got enough of that running around lately.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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japan audio sub guys that is the best - by Zagatto - 08-09-2004, 04:39 AM

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