08-07-2004, 07:40 AM
I?m new here, but I don?t think R1 DVD?s are marked up THAT bad? a few are of course, but in general, if you look around for good prices online (rightstuf.com deals, animeondvd.com ? forums, ect) you can get them fairly cheap. I personally have been collecting anime since 1994, and I have a legit collection of over 700 tapes and DVD. But now that I?m on my way to graduate school, I?m pretty damn broke. I still want to see a lot of series and for me HK DVD are generally a better option, since I don?t have to watch them on the computer, and I can more easily enjoy them with friends. I?ll still buy a R1 set/DVD if it?s a good deal, but it?s mostly not an option.