07-30-2004, 07:08 PM
Quote:Originally posted by AKUMA
For those of you who are thinking, that's stealing from the creator?s bla bla bla (pointing fingers at Vicious). Talk to me once you have grown up and acquired some financial responsibilities. You know things like Mortgage and all that staff.
I am grown up and do have financial responsibilities. Not a mortgage yet, but I still have plenty of them.
Also, it is stealing. Are you saying it's not?
And, I've never cared what anyone buys. All I've ever gotten mad about is when people blame the R1 companies for shit or come up with other reasons for rationalizing their buying of HK's. If you're gonna buy HKs', say that you're a cheap bastard and that's why you buy them. That if you didn't have to worry about the money, that you would be more willing to buy the R1's. But don't give me some lame excuses, because in the end, it always comes down to the money.