Best HK version of Rurouni Kenshin TV?
I've got the MI version, and it's pretty good. It uses fansubs, wich are near perfect with some typo's, and mistimings but that's about all. There's just one episode on the 2nd set wich is screwed up. It has about 100 typo's in every line. You really have to think, but I could still understand it. The video is pretty good, but ripped from VHS, if someone didn't point this out to me, I'd say it was LaserDisc, but after someone told me (Rich) I believe him. There is a little bit of disortion in the screen, and quite some color bleeding, but it's VERY watchable...
The audio featers some humming, because it was ripped from VHS, but it doesn't really distract, unless you're a quality freak.

Video : 3.5/4 / 5 (It kinda differs on opion)
Audio : 3.5/4 / 5 (same here)
Subs : 4.5 / 5 (Very good, they used the Shinsen Gumi script, so if you didn't like those, you're not gonna like this. It has a lot of swearing.)


I believe all the other sets (MAC, AS original) are just rips/direct copies of it. For MAC i'm 99% sure it's a direct copy, so the quality should be excactly the same (it's said it even has the MI logo in the video). I'm not sure about the 'original' set by AS, could be a rip, could be a direct copy. My guess would be a copy.
I don't know about the AV set, but I guess you can be pretty sure it's an MI copy/rip too.

Messages In This Thread
Best HK version of Rurouni Kenshin TV? - by Markaveli - 09-11-2002, 01:23 AM

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