Subtitles and Captions - The Difference!
This is something that's always bothered me, but recently have read many reviews on this site, I have to clarify this for everyone.

Subtitles, at least on anime DVDs, are usually NOT the same as captions! Many people think that subtitles are supposed to be exactly the same as what the english dub is saying, but in actuality subtitles attempt to accurately translate (and put into context) the Japanese dub track. If anything, I consider subtitles that are identical to the English dub track as signs of shitty subtitling effort (unless the English dub uses the Japanese subtitles as a script, which is rare). What you guys are looking for are captions, NOT subtitles. Got it?

So STOP reviewing subtitles in anime sets badly just because the english subtitles doesn't correspond to the English dub. It's NOT supposed to. The subs are there so those who choose to enjoy the Japanese dub track, such as myself, can follow along using the subtitles, which translate the Japanese track.


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Subtitles and Captions - The Difference! - by Robojack - 07-23-2004, 11:14 AM

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