07-12-2004, 10:03 AM
Well animeshop, I have only one advice to give you, try it! If you want to clear your head there's nothing like trying it out. Get yourself a beautiful woman and go for it. I'm sure that afterwards you'll know if you're bi or not.
I couldn't agree more, especially because it's something that happens with animals as well. Animals copulate in order to procriate but they also display homosexual behavior which shows me that animals are naturally bi. We humans are animals as well so it wouldn't be such an abnormal thing if we too were bi.
Who told you there's more than confusion to be removed?
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
I still have the belief that everyone is bi-sexual. I don't believe it's a perfect 50/50 split though... most people have a definite preference of one or the other and social conditioning tends to force the label of straight or gay after that.
I couldn't agree more, especially because it's something that happens with animals as well. Animals copulate in order to procriate but they also display homosexual behavior which shows me that animals are naturally bi. We humans are animals as well so it wouldn't be such an abnormal thing if we too were bi.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Sure. Get another girl. All 3 of us will get together and remove more than just your confusion.
Who told you there's more than confusion to be removed?