"Made in Japan" May Be Trademarked Soon
That has to be one of the stupidest things I've heard of since Bush was elected to the White House.

It will never happen in North America (I don't know what the Trademark laws are over seas though so I'm not going to comment on those).

To register a Trademark, the word or phrase has to be closely associated with a particular company. It's very hard for a company to reach the sort of saturation levels in media to get people to make that sort of association.
It's easier if include a brand name like with the phrase "Coke is it". But think about something like the phrase "Just Do It". I don't even have to name that brand and most people in here will know what company I'm talking about.
Now think about "Made in Japan". What company would that trademark apply to? A country can't apply for a trademark on behalf of a single industry. Think about electronics or clothing or cars that are made in Japan. If the media industry successfully trademarked "Made in Japan" that would mean that none of those other industries would be allowed to use that phrase in any advertising or even stamp it on their products.

T'aint gonna happen...

hruf lub lub lub wakka unch
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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"Made in Japan" May Be Trademarked Soon - by Zagatto - 07-09-2004, 05:13 AM

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