Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs
Nope havn't taken a business class yet. Going to in next couple years so perhaps that will enlighten me. Since I guess I don't really know what i'm talking about i'm going to stop trying to get my point across lol. It makes sense in my mind but the business world works in different ways than my mind.

BTW can anyone explain to me why VERY popular business chains like chichi's (not everyone will know what this is but it's still around a few places here in the north i think) would dare cheapen their menu for a quick buck? Every chichi's around here closed soon after because everyone hated them when they changed. This has happened with numerous chains and business owners never quite seem to see the pattern...

Just trying to make a last point. I may not know how it all works but just because the people up there are making decisions doesn't mean they know what they are doing. But if they are making a bunch of money then they are obviously pleasing enough of their fans to keep things the way they are.

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Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs - by Cidien - 07-08-2004, 10:52 PM

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