Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs
I'm not even gonna get into a sub vs. dub debate. that's been done to death. I will say that homey up there that said the 'Japanese actors act with their hearts so it sounds better' is completely ignorant and not even worth a lengthy response. Go listen to the extras on the Bebop movie and listen to your great Megumi Hayashibara and what she had to say about Faye. And then come back and tell me if you think her heart was in it. Seriously, that is one of the most ignorant and biased statements I've ever heard regarding subs/dubs.

Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Why do you call me stupid? If they made cheaper versions along with their normal R1 dvd's they would be selling the high quality stuff as usual along with pulling in the HK crowd. Also, I know they have more fees. That's why I said they should charge closer to $40 as opposed to the $24 Hk companies charge. Now, tell me how this is a loss for them? They make their actual product cheaper to produce and they sell a lot more of it. Perhaps I don't understand how it is done but am I right to assume once they have the rights to an anime they can produce as much of the title as they want? So why lose money to the HK people? If i'm wrong and you can enlighten me then please do.

I don't feel like doing math right now. But let's say they sell a series for $100. You want them to drop it to $40. Do you honestly think them dropping prices is going to increase their sales by that much? You think they'll sell 3 times as many DVD's to offset the price drop? It might increase their sales by say 20%, but nowhere near enough to offset that sort of price change. There is no way they can compete with HK prices and still offset their costs.

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Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs - by Vicious - 07-08-2004, 01:16 PM

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