Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs
Quote:Originally posted by xtremegummibear
I have to agree with Cidien Big Grin . It would be better off that way. It's so pathetic that they release dvds with like 3-4 episodes only, yet they are being sold at crazy high prices! Companies will say that they are in it for the money. I saw, screw them! Just sell the whole series in one small set of dvds for a cheap price and HKs will go out of business. I feel ya Cidien Wink

You're both idiots then. What would be the point of them selling DVD's at a loss? The point of a business is to make money. Are you too stupid to realize that the HK companies don't pay any licensing fees, don't have to pay directors, producers, voice actors, marketing fees, etc.

Do you not realize that the HK companies have no fees, no overhead at all other than buying DVD-R's and having somebody copy other sources and storing these in some small warehouse?

That is the reason why the R1's cost so much more than HK's. Because the R1 companies are having to pay all this money to put the product out. Then the HK companies simply copy their work.

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Bandai's Taking Action Against Imports/Bootlegs - by Vicious - 07-08-2004, 04:23 AM

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