ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s
Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko

PS: I apologized personally to Vicious but let me just said that I wouldn't said those things if you didn't say them first, but I'm not making excuses, just to make myself clear maybe when someone writes something is not in the way you're reading it and I think thats what happens in my comment about ADV and thats why the reaction was created. No hard feelings just diferent opinions so I still like y'allCool

Honestly, I had no idea what you were talking about. I'm rude to so many people, that I forgot what I said to who or what I said to them. I had to go back and reread this thread to see what you were referring to. That statement you made initially was pretty ignorant, so I responded in kind.

As far as what HBK is referring to. You're talking about the copyright treaty or whatever that they all signed at the Berne Convention. Everyone except Hong Kong signed it. So they are allowed to have bootlegs because they never signed the treaty. However, they are not allowed to export those out of Hong Kong. I did some research into this awhile ago because I wanted to find out what the law actually stated. I forgot all the details by now, but those are the basics of it.

Messages In This Thread
ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s - by Vicious - 06-11-2004, 04:45 AM

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