ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s
Quote:Originally posted by woodson

Hope thats clear enough for the mentally challenged out there.

Noone is mentally challenged here but you. Let's see . . . 3 different people on here didn't know what you were talking about, including me. And since I know my IQ is higher than yours, it must be you. Try to make sense in your posts next time.

Also, being as JJ does everything by requests anyways, what point does having a list make? But if you weren't a noob who tried shooting your mouth off in your 1st few posts, you might have known that.

If I were you, I'd go do some research and then PM him with a request list. Guess I'm not the one whose mentally challenged here, since I solved that simple problem so easily.

So, the way I see it, you were either lazy, stupid, or ignorant. But any one of those types of people (meaning YOU) really should try to be nicer if they want their questions answered.

DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions only. I am in no way affiliated with this site or it's owners. There is nothing saying that JJ will honor any of that.

Have to put that in there, because you smell like a narc to me. JJ gets a cease and decist letter and 3 days later, you're on here trying really hard to get ADV titles out of him. Seems a little too fishy to me.

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ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s - by Vicious - 06-10-2004, 01:23 PM

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