ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s
The posts are too long to quote in here, but what people have to stop being is greedy. Anime is NEW, it's HOT, and everyone wants it. People have not yet realized that they DON'T have to own each and every show. Buy a show if you will actually watch it multiple times. Don't buy a show to put it on your shelf. If you have the buy-to-put-on-shelf mentality then you're currently pissed off with the prices for legitimate Anime DVDs.

I believe once anime matures more in the USA, fewer people will try to "buy it all" and both R1 but especially HK-DVD sales will drop. Anyway, this post is just directed towards the folks complaining that anime costs too much. Sure it does, if you want to own it all. Why not try buying your "favorite" shows, not shit like Ai Yori Aoshi, Onegai Twins, well hell I could go on foreever. Just try buying your favorite shows, and you'll soon realize anime aint all that expensive.

EDIT: and before someone says it, this post is directed at the anime fan who watches fansubs, which is basically everyone in here. Why? Well, you can't really determine what's good/bad before you have seen it. And reviews don't mean squat as Hikaru no Go sounds boring as hell, but it's not -- and Ai Yori Aoshi sounds good but it's not. :p

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ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s - by ozone - 06-09-2004, 04:59 AM

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