ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s
Quote:Originally posted by Hidalgo
R1 prices are at best a mixed bag.
On the whole they are explotative.
ADV's recent shift to 7 disc sets is a clear sign of this.
Full Metal Panic had no buisness being on 7 doscs
6 would have been a perfect fit, but they had to just squeeze a little bit more out of fans.
Now ADV has also done a good thing in releasing their anime esseintals line, which is way over due and has good titles. It along with the geneon signature line are good starters.
However the overall price is a bit out of hand. 24-30 per title is simply too much. Why should i pay 30 bucks for one volume of a show when that is the same i pay for the lord of the rings extended edition in many stores?
Now many of these overpriced titles can be purchased a bit under msrp via the net, and other means, but that is a bit of work and unless you can get free shipping that alone will defeat a few dollars off.
ADV needs to do more before i would think of not buying rips of their sets.
Their not the worst(Funimation, and no fruit baskets does not atone for your sins, dont even bother bringing that up)
In the end adv has the right to ask people not to sell bootlegs of their sets, but they are by no means perfect.
They deserve credit and critisism.

Very good post and it will probably explain how the majority here feels. I'm in europe and here its a whole other story but i won't go into that.

Vicious, you always have some good deals up your sleeve to throw into these conversations to prove your point that there is cheap anime. Unfortunatly you won't convince anyone as long as the new stuff still comes out at (IMO) insane prices and disc counts, not to mention having to wait months inbetween volumes. But you are pretty up to date with R1 anime so maybe you remember: whats the "cheapest" you can get a volume of a new show when first released? My guess is not under $20,- for 3 or 4 eps. for any show which I think is to much. The comparison used by Hidalgo with LotR in the next shelf for the same price is how I view it to. I have $25, I can spend it on 60 min. of anime or an 3 hour movie. I don't have to think long to see whats more value for my money.

My problem with R1 is that I don't trust them with these prices. Anime is known for its low production costs (compared to US animation studios) and I think most of these costs are earned back in Asia with tv rights and disc/merchandising sales. So either the Japanese production companies ask insane licensing costs or the R1 companies make very large profit margins (which could explain the huge pricedrops on some shows). Either way, I keep feeling someone is ripping someone of till I get proof that justifies low ep.counts and high prices. Look at the prices of US animation shows like simpsons/southpark, those prices are ALOT lower and have higher production costs. Its hard to find financial numbers regarding anime but I would very much like to know more about licensing fees, costs of making a dub and costs of producing the anime. Maybe if I knew for a fact that the profit margins on R1 anime are low I would have more respect for the R1 companies.

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ADVision asked to have titles that they have licenses for to be taken off the site, s - by Elcoholic - 06-09-2004, 02:26 AM

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