05-07-2004, 03:54 PM
I will also try one of them..well maybe two. Knowing the snoopy friends, (not if they keep messing up my junk) they would probably get a hold of them and possibly break one of the only things that may be able to repair my dvds. If that doesn't work, and they manage to break it (or both of them) then I will turn my room (and maybe the rest of my house) into Alcatraz in order to protect what is mine. You have to do whatever you must, to protect your special little dvds and manga right? One more thing to rant about. I don't like to bitch and whine about my problems (alright, maybe I do -_______-) but something crappy happened today. I saw my friend with my manga book.......all bent with pages falling out. It didn't even look like a manga book anymore. This will serve as a warning to me, and hopefully many people out there. Be careful who you let touch your manga. If they have it for over 3 and a half weeks, be afraid.......be VERY afraid.
Hot Damn, that was cool!