Neon Genesis: Fav Anime... Any Suggestions?
IF you want my honest opinion, I'll give it to you. When I first watched EVA, which was around 5 years ago, I found it to be quite typical in terms of plot. There wasn't exactly the best character development, and nearly all the characters were dysfunctional in some way (paritcularly Shinji, who really pissed me off at times), directed by a lunatic director suffering from depression. It was a good series, a typical anime that had been forcefully crammed with biblical theory, which nearly ran out of money towards the end of the series (which is obvious by the increasingly poor animation). Definitely not in my top 10, maybe not even in my top 20. Maybe in my top 50, but more likely in my top 100 list.

What makes it so revolutionary at times is its art style. It had brought back the trend of having smaller eyes on anime characters, and brought about more realistic proportion for facial structures. This influenced anime series for at least a few years, and made the industry concentrate on a more conservative appearance when designing character art. It seems that now, styles seem to be going off on a tangent again, and becoming more liberal and unrestricted in design. This is a good thing, in my opinion.

But I have to agree that Rahxephon is a better series than EVA. It's easier to watch, with many more likeable characters (and I'm not talking about the lust that many fanboys felt towards Rei in EVA). The main character, Hayato, strikes me as a much more mature and stronger character, and didn't need as many characters to act as a foil in order to develop his character. The story was lovely (with a nice ending), and the art is definitely commendable as well. Those who think Rahxephon as merely an EVA clone should think twice, as EVA took most of its elements from other series also. Bones definitely should be commended for its excellent work with Rahxephon.

I apologize for my poor writing style at the moment, as I just got up not too long ago.

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Neon Genesis: Fav Anime... Any Suggestions? - by Robojack - 04-29-2004, 06:16 AM

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