Microsoft isn't so bad once you get to know them
Zagatto I did play and owned a 3DO. Gex was a fav of mine. The controls on most games were sub-par, but on some titles like anything that flys (ie Shock Wave, Wing Commador) they were great.

Oh comparing one doomed system to something that everyone one says started the doom for Sega is an intersting argument. The 32X was a great buy as well...maybe not. Look what you said proved my point. The 3DO had great potential but due to lack of great games and third party support.

Also Sega CD was released first in 1992 (US) and the 3DO was released in 1993 (US) Sega CD until TruVideo came out didn't even have color FMV (WWF Steel Cage) and only used up 25% of the screen (SewerShark)

3DO came 256 color FMV's from the start hell Sega CD didn't have a game that had 256 colors until Eternal Champions. I liked the Sega CD but it didn't even hold a candle to 3DO. Hell i wouldn't buy a CD versions of Genesis games that were already available on cartridge. They had the advantage that they featured CD sound, but they also had much longer loading times between levels. That sucked...

Also the reason Square got bought out was due to FF: The Spirts Within.
It never made back the money Square spent on it. And the best thing anyone every said about it was that the CG girl in the game was the centerfold for Maxim Mag... And Square is coming back to it's roots look at FF:CC for that
[Image: slay6.jpg]
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Microsoft isn't so bad once you get to know them - by morgorath - 04-14-2004, 03:15 PM

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