Microsoft isn't so bad once you get to know them
Example time... ANybody remeber the 3DO. It was beyond it's time when it hit the market. A game like FF7 on the 3DO would have set a level that we might still be trying to reach today. BUt then we fall back into what is the norm of the gaming world. We don't care about the specs ( some of us do but for other reasons) we care about content. Now the 3DO had some killer thing going for it but since it was first off way too pricy and second no real third party support it failed.

On the other hand look at the GBA this has been a system that has had so many short comings that the Big N didn't even care to fix and it still did well. What Shortcomings you ask? First generation GB was a sucubis to battery life. GBC could have flopped until N dropped the price. GBA a great design that was backwards capable, but the lack of backlighting caused a lot of gamers to wait and the N answered with the GBA:SP which has a short coming of it's own you can't listen to headphones with out adaptor (ok minor) but you can't charge the system and play FF:CC at the same time either (that blows)
But it still beat everything that came out to compete with it. Hell Wonder Swan won't even come to the states becuase it is afraid of going under. And why because GBA has the games and a price that we all find nice...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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Microsoft isn't so bad once you get to know them - by morgorath - 04-13-2004, 07:50 AM

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