Looking for Ayashi no Ceres FX
I think it is impossible for you to obtain the FX set. Since it is discontinued, everybody wants to keep theirs. However you can try the MAC set in the store. It is an excellent collection. If you have questions email me at [email protected] or if u have AIM, you can contact me at Ryoku Slayer. CYA Later
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~

Messages In This Thread
Looking for Ayashi no Ceres FX - by Jaded God - 04-13-2004, 08:26 PM
Looking for Ayashi no Ceres FX - by Ryoku Slayer - 04-17-2004, 02:29 PM
Looking for Ayashi no Ceres FX - by Jaded God - 04-17-2004, 06:41 PM

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