The Anime Encyclopedia
I've read a book on Anime from Trish Ledoux (translator for anime, ahhhh Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, any U.S. Renditions/L.A. Hero release plus a billion others. Also used to work in Animerica).

It's called the Complete Anime Guide. It runs a humble 300 or so pages. It includes in chronology every series that appeared on American TV, with indepth stories, and information. It also has a section on anime genres with what anime is (somewhat for the beginner). It then has a section of every VHS/LD release as of 1997. Yeah before DVD. It has personal comments on the releases. It also contains prices and summaries. Then it has a section for all of the American companies. I called Animeigo, now that was priceless. I was able to preorder KOR when my modem was down. ^_^ It also contained simple terms to know like Shonen, Shojo, Yakuza, and Manga.

I'll have to check out the Anime Encyclopedia you're talking about. I could crack that off in a matter of days. ^_^
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

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The Anime Encyclopedia - by Shibo - 08-26-2002, 06:07 AM
The Anime Encyclopedia - by Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 08-26-2002, 06:58 AM

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