Japanese girl wallpapers
http://www.animewallpapers.com has an ecchi section. Not all the girls are necessarily naked, so you might want to try there.

http://www.animebgx.net also has an awesome collection of wallpapers, and one of their sections is called "Misc. Anime Girls" .. try there, as well as the series, "Wordsworth" and "Love Hina" .. they all have really nice walls of some girls which look cute.. ^^;; .. and I guess hot too XP

Messages In This Thread
Japanese girl wallpapers - by -spike- - 01-24-2004, 04:56 PM
Japanese girl wallpapers - by Atomic Orgasm - 01-24-2004, 05:04 PM
Japanese girl wallpapers - by may - 01-29-2004, 12:42 AM
Japanese girl wallpapers - by Kroova - 01-30-2004, 09:32 AM

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