11-21-2003, 09:17 AM
Please dont post up links to other sites in the forum...Maybe you are new to the message boards, but awhile back we had a big discussion about this, basically it was decided not to let people put links up to other sites because one site in particular decided not to let their users post up links to our site..Pretty much everyone knows what site I am refering to so if its not too much to ask just perform a search in google and im sure u will get a bunch of sites or go on the AN message boards to check out the links there...Thanx in advance
PS~kodochafan- I dont like buying anime in chinatown since its pretty much hit or miss on the dvds..there are some places that they actually let you view the dvds before purchase ...also some of the vendors in the Elizabeth Street mall look kinda shady :mad: so I'd be careful if i were you down there
PS~kodochafan- I dont like buying anime in chinatown since its pretty much hit or miss on the dvds..there are some places that they actually let you view the dvds before purchase ...also some of the vendors in the Elizabeth Street mall look kinda shady :mad: so I'd be careful if i were you down there