Wow, there was almost a school shooting/stabbing today
Meowchi, this is exactlty what I don't understand about some Americans. If you had 7 shootings in 12 weeks, how come it's no big deal for you when people bring guns to school. This should in my eyes make you want to stay away from them and know how serious guns are.
But the opposite happens, seeing how cassualy you write about guns at your school, you get used to it.

I'm just really glad guns aren't as common over here as they are in some parts of America. I would not be comfortable going to school if I knew I could get hit by a stray bullit of some testosterone tripping redneck(Big Grin just learned a new word). If this was the case here I would say FUCK education as long as my goverment can not ensure my safety when I'm trying to learn something.

Messages In This Thread
Wow, there was almost a school shooting/stabbing today - by Elcoholic - 10-29-2003, 02:21 AM

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