10-14-2003, 05:27 PM
We each want something differnet from a review , im sure and you cant make us all happy all the time- heres a few minor suggestions ( take em or leave em = you wont hurt my feeling ) I like to see screen shots, its also nice to know if the series is more for kids or adults, i also like to know if there is alot of action or just a plain fantastic story . A few I dont like is the first " X" movie with turbo sub titles- gives me a head ache after about ten minutes of it.- possibly if there are other versions of the series your reviewing- - that you found are better- does the animation flow easily- they may of been cheap in making the series and have more huky jerky motion ( less frames per second - makes it less smooth ) and possibly putting in the site where we can down load a trailer or two- thanks for listening . and last but not least when was the series originally aired in Japan-- some of us think its new, when its not !