Kite Director's Cut
Ok gonna do some Kite education Smile

Kite came out in Japan, censored as all their hentai (mosaic).. it had all the sex scenes there with with mosiacs

then Kite came out in USA, completely free of hentai, marketable to young audience

then Kite was re-released as Directors Cut, which had most of the sex scenes in there except for a couple, in the flashbacks, where she was underage, thus unacceptable by hypocritic standards of north america.

so, this one:
is the R1 rip of the NO SEX version

and this one:
is the R1 rip with SEX but has underage stuff cut out (probalby a total of 10 seconds)

Messages In This Thread
Kite Director's Cut - by bonafide1109 - 10-08-2003, 04:53 PM
Kite Director's Cut - by JunkieJoe - 10-08-2003, 05:08 PM

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