09-16-2003, 06:23 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
They're a company. They're not out to "give anime to people for cheap prices." They've got to make money and they've got families to feed too.
I think we all have families to feed, well most of us anyway. I know they are a company that loves to suck that money out of you. By today's standards a dvd should hold 5 to 6 episodes unlike the DBZs and not charge you 40 bucks for 6 to 7 episodes like the Fruits Baskets. I have been buying anime for a long time now since animeigo and US renditions first started pumping stuff out, and if I want to save some money by getting the HK releases, then I will. So it really sucks to see a very rich(Don't think they aren't making dough of those DBZ, GT episodes) company like these guys trying to put a stop to this market. I think Mrfreeze is talking about the missing episodes from the first two seasons of DBZ and the whole first 13 episodes missing from DBGT.
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