08-25-2003, 06:56 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Steve_the_Talking_Pie
When we ask people why they buy HKs, this clearly is a chance for me to say why you shouldn't. If I buy the R1's and you buy the HK, they lose money that you would have given them. Plain and simple.
No they don't lose money because i wouldn't of given them my money in the first place.. There are series that i will get that i basically experiment on.. See how i like them.. If i do then i will get R1' if i don't no hard lost only a little of my money gone and the R1 company's wouldn't of gotten it no matter what.. So that excuse is BS if i am concerned.. Its like the RIAA complaining that filesharing is whats making Cd sales go down.. but they don't like to see the true Side and Reports done that Counter that.. but i wont get into that here..