Is Evangelion turning into the next DBZ?
I haven't read this whole conversation, but I'll just say, as a film major with emphasis in animation, having seen absolutely tons of it from all countries and time periods, Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the finest pieces of artwork I have ever seen in this field. As far as Japan's contribution to animation goes, in my mind it is topped only by Cowboy Bebop. As a philosopher and a Buddhist, I think it's message is possibly one of the most potent and relevant ever delivered in this medium, being only rivaled by perhaps Grave of the Fireflies.

And yes, I have seen a LOT of anime, piles and piles of it (far from just mainstream releases). Whenever I see someone making fun of Eva, I either suspect they are too dim to understand the breadth of it's truths or they are too much of a poser to really appreciate art.

Oh yes, and I will also say, regarding Kenshin, the english voice acting isn't great, but I'll always take english voice acting for these reasons.

Although every series I own I will always watch through once each way =) With Kenshin, there is a certain charm to the authenticity and beauty of the Japanese language in that context.
o-('-')-o HuG
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Is Evangelion turning into the next DBZ? - by Vance - 07-09-2003, 02:56 PM

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