Is Evangelion turning into the next DBZ?
SurferX - here's my look on your topic...

First you are right in some parts... Things that become mainstream often end up alienating the ones that in part brought them there. I know for a fact that after waiting for days for an episode of ___________ to final finish downloading and watching it with all it joy and splender, That seeing it end up on Toonami cut and dryed out for American tot's leaves my paleet a little bland.

And you see there in turn is the problem. We as anime fans want are shows to be on the TV at primetime but we also want are fellow anime watchers to purest not socialist. What do I mean you ask...?

Simple a socalist is one who watches when it's on tv but really doesn't know anything else. Like what other works the creator has done or what other shows the voice actor has worked... But they clame to be devoted to the show..

A purest is a true anime fan knows the show the manga and even the songs artist it is no longer a time to watch a anime on tv. But it is a time of unbridal bliss...

It's like a saying I love that new song by Three Doors Down to a guy who can play it on the Guitar. Yea you like the song but do you know anything about it... compared to him probly not...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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Is Evangelion turning into the next DBZ? - by morgorath - 07-08-2003, 09:49 PM

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