Terminator 3!!!
It was better than most people expected. I was worried they'd try to turn it into a music video with a lot of cut-scenes and hoky effects. Not too bad in my opinion with some cool twists. The actor who was John Connor did a good job acting and stuff. Arnie was the main focus of this movie and there was mostly just lots of action. Still nice to see the franchise still alive after all these years. Hopefully, T4 will have more depth, a cool future plotline, and another actor as JC.
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Messages In This Thread
Terminator 3!!! - by JunkieJoe - 07-03-2003, 06:33 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by kakomu - 07-03-2003, 07:39 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by Berserker - 07-04-2003, 08:58 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by JunkieJoe - 07-05-2003, 05:53 AM
Terminator 3!!! - by Prophet Hero - 07-05-2003, 06:05 AM
Terminator 3!!! - by sanosuke - 07-06-2003, 12:05 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by Berserker - 07-06-2003, 01:36 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by morgorath - 07-07-2003, 06:00 AM
Terminator 3!!! - by DARK OSAMU - 07-17-2003, 10:10 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by Steve_the_Talking_Pie - 07-18-2003, 12:36 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 07-19-2003, 12:14 AM
Terminator 3!!! - by Kevil - 07-20-2003, 11:37 PM
Terminator 3!!! - by johnkillingsworth - 07-07-2003, 11:47 AM

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