akira and lupin the 3rd live-action movies? dodgy!
Quote:Originally posted by "johnkillingsworth"

It can't match the manga or the anime for Akira. Will they even cast Asian actors or will it be completely Americanized? Worse than a live-action Scooby-Doo movie :x

Who knows? Kubrik's "The Shining" blew away Stephen Kings original novel. I can name about two dozen other such examples (I'm a film major among other things ^_^.) Maybe the live action Akira will be a dazzling insight into the manga, concentrating all of its endearing commentary on broken societies and cutting away the useless chaff. (I've also written a few academic essays on Akira, which I hope to get posted on my friend's new site, Anime Essays, if he'll ever get the damn thing up.)

I personally do not care what race of actors they use or even if they change the city name. The values and themes of Akira are pertinent to all nationalities and creeds. Otomo had something important to say that transcends any of that, and changing the minor details won't change the message that Otomo wanted us all to hear.

I'll never understand why people are so ticked at localizations. Someone with insight sees beauty in another cultures art, brings it over, and attempts to reiterate it in a way that his own culture can better understand. Everywhere I go in anime circles I see all this illogical trendy hate for english voice acting and localization jobs on video games. I'm really getting sick of it.

By the way, I know you weren't insinuating any of this johnkillingsworth, just the word Americanized got me thinking. Sorry if it sounded like I was ragging on you, I'm not =)
o-('-')-o HuG
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akira and lupin the 3rd live-action movies? dodgy! - by Vance - 05-18-2003, 09:58 PM

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