who else thinks all hentai should be destroyed?
Actually, hentai is the only type of porn I find acceptable. It is a dirty pleasure, but it is pure fantasy on all accounts. No real people are being hurt, degraded, or exploited. I find juxtaposing hentai and real life pornography is akin to juxtaposing unreal tournament to the holocaust. Granted, real life pornography isn't as bad as the holocaust, but the point still stands.

At least that's my take on it. I live by one moral code, I never take pleasure at the expense of another lifeform's suffering. So, I'll continue to not eat meat, and not put other people down, and not exploit others, and on and on, but I will sit down and enjoy a good hentai once in a while.

Ah well, that's my two bits. Hope it was worth reading.

I can see how some of it might be disturbing though, and if it is I wholeheartedly recommend you don't watch it, it's for pleasure, and if you don't find pleasure in it then just don't go there :mrgreen: . I'm so desensitized to blood, guts, dickgirls, etc etc from internet popups alone that they don't really phase me anymore. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.
o-('-')-o HuG
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who else thinks all hentai should be destroyed? - by Vance - 04-06-2003, 06:50 PM

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