Best and Worst Jobs You Ever Had!!!!
Well mine is a toss up since well i have been in the Military for 4 1/2 years.. I would have to say that the Military is my best and worst Job i have had..
Worst - Dealing with all the political bullshit that goes along with the military or dealing with 0600 saturday formations because someone in your unit got a DUI on base. for the base commander to give you a 10 min speah about teamwork when you don't even know the stupid idiot that got the DUI. Plus the month months in remote TDY's

Best part is that you get close with your shop or people around.. And you feel more like a family. and have a great time with each other.. Nothing like someone geting promoted and that weekedn the whole shop can't even walk because they are drunk off there ass because of a few kegs..

there is alot more in the military but too much to type.. for both good and bad ;o)

Messages In This Thread
Best and Worst Jobs You Ever Had!!!! - by Tripp - 03-20-2003, 10:59 AM
Best and Worst Jobs You Ever Had!!!! - by cdndave - 03-20-2003, 11:33 AM
Best and Worst Jobs You Ever Had!!!! - by Schultz - 03-21-2003, 09:06 PM
Best and Worst Jobs You Ever Had!!!! - by Shibo - 03-23-2003, 02:26 PM

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