Friend's Thoughts on Eva *Spoilers*
Woah, talk about a small world. IceNine0 is my brother.

We watched EoE together with a couple of friends, and talked about it for a long while after. I have to admit, I agree with his thoughts on all points. In the original ending, Anno truly went out on a limb. He completely cast off the shackles of the series and, in a true heart to heart talk, simply discussed with the audience what it is to be rejected, alone, and scared, and why we don't have to be that way.

Everyone who counted on anime as their drug to escape these painful emotions was slapped in the face. What do you do when the crutch you rely on the most tells you to stand on your own? Otakus the world over felt betrayed, and rebelled brutally to this wake up call. They don't want their drugs to tell them what's right, they just want them to do what they're supposed to. Anno's reply to this reaction, End of Evangelion, was him effectively saying "I tried to help you, but you are all a lost cause." He gave them what they wanted, a big fight scene, gorgeous artwork, innuendo, all of it. However, for Shinji, the allegorical escapist, there was no redemption.
o-('-')-o HuG
|)0Y: 1337 5p34k 4n0nyM0u5

Messages In This Thread
Friend's Thoughts on Eva *Spoilers* - by Vance - 03-18-2003, 10:35 PM
Friend's Thoughts on Eva *Spoilers* - by Vance - 03-19-2003, 12:20 PM
Friend's Thoughts on Eva *Spoilers* - by yakumo - 03-19-2003, 01:27 PM

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