03-01-2003, 10:40 PM
Well where shall I start? I have a bike story when I was 7 and had to get stitches in my lip. I broke/fractured my left wrist twice (1 time I didn't realize it for 3 weeks, just kept hoping the pain would go away). Got a concussion playing football, but didn't realize it (thought it was just a bad headache) and then went and played the next week and got really fucked up (a concussion gets worse if you don't rest for a while). I couldn't bend my legs and would start to blackout when I'd go from dark to light and vice versa. Got 13 stitches under my left eye last year because of a football game (I'm still paying for that since I didn't have insurance at the time). I broke my pinky knuckle about 5 months ago (once again, I waited 2 weeks before going to a hospital. kept hoping the bruising and swelling would go away, which it didn't). I'm not going to go into stories for all of them, but I think thats enough for now.