Kenshin Perfect Collection Question (Important)
Sorry guys but it clears up for like two episodes then goes back to doing the same thing. It isn't something that can be overlooked. I mean it sucks to hear the sound before you even see it on screen. The dub seems to be perfectly synched though every time. I wish it was the other way around. Sure the English actors did an Ok job but this is a series that is best left in Nihongo cause of the old style speech and history is more suited to the native tongue. I don't understand how these errors happen... I can do a perfect dvd rip myself and so can many fansubbers all without errors and we don't have top of the line equipment. I can understand how Hong Kong rips can have bad english subs but video/audio synch problems shouldn't happen. Unless you prefer the dub I would buy this with caution. It isn't a perfect rip. The video and audio are good themselves but for the Nihongo track it seems to always get ahead of the video somehow. At first I thought it could be my player so I tried it in multiple dvd players and even the one on my computer. But still the same synch problem. Amazingly, to my knowlege the English track is perfectly synched to the video every time. Things don't look to be getting any better in disk 2 either but I'll continue on to report.

Kaioshane 8)

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Kenshin Perfect Collection Question (Important) - by kaioshane - 01-04-2003, 01:29 AM

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