HK trade harmless?
Ha I saw this story today and couldn't help laugh. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it!
Ya... I saw that too. Fn retards. Who the hell puts a hit out on a couple dogs. It's like they're pissed they got caught, but they're not ballsy enough to do anything themselves or at least face the PEOPLE who busted them.
Well the thing is if you read the article these are the only dogs training to sniff out polycarbonate and chemicals used in optical discs. So if they got them killed then they would have to train more and such. So would make it harder for them at least they think to find the stuff hidden in places.
But still, putting a hit on dogs?
Sure, it would buy these people some time, but what have they gained in the end?

Pretty useless if you ask me.
Well depends. I belive in the US if a dog is used to find something or do something then that dog has to appear in court and "prove" its abiliyes basically do a demonstration for the jury etc to make sure no "foul" play was involved etc.

Also if they chose to hit them that means "those dogs" can't be used to find Futher evidence or more of there operations thus buying them time until more could be trained. Don't look at the reason'ing now but look to what it would gain them in the future.
Still it's pretty pathetic. Makes me wonder who I am giving money to though really as well. Do I really want these people to get rich?
Quote:I belive in the US if a dog is used to find something or do something then that dog has to appear in court and "prove" its abiliyes basically do a demonstration for the jury etc to make sure no "foul" play was involved etc.
I didn't know that. I thought it was treated the same as other evidence. Oh, wait. A forensic scientist has to testify for those pieces of evidence as well, don't they? In that case it would make sense that the dogs are needed at the trail.

Quote:Still it's pretty pathetic. Makes me wonder who I am giving money to though really as well. Do I really want these people to get rich?
Does make you think, doen't it?
Schultz Wrote:Well depends. I belive in the US if a dog is used to find something or do something then that dog has to appear in court and "prove" its abiliyes basically do a demonstration for the jury etc to make sure no "foul" play was involved etc.

Also if they chose to hit them that means "those dogs" can't be used to find Futher evidence or more of there operations thus buying them time until more could be trained. Don't look at the reason'ing now but look to what it would gain them in the future.

Are you sure? I mean if the dogs lead police to find ten kilos of coke or something then I doubt they would need to prove that in court. I mean the evidence is there. Just the same as if the police walked in and found it. You are going to go down no matter what.
yes it does have to be proved. the coke dogs have already had thier training tested and proved. so we know that technique works however sniffing out fake dvd's based on the chemical's to make them is a new idea and needs to be proved once its proved then it will be taken as a legitimate way to find illegal imports. my only question is how do the dogs know the difference between legal dvd's and illegal ones, however i don't understand the import part very well.
No the dogs don't sniff out fakes they sniff out illegally stashed dvds. The dvds are hidden in other stuff like toys or something then the dogs find them. It's the same as drugs. The dvds don't have official paper work or anything and most are obviously fake.
gubi-gubi Wrote:No the dogs don't sniff out fakes they sniff out illegally stashed dvds. The dvds are hidden in other stuff like toys or something then the dogs find them. It's the same as drugs. The dvds don't have official paper work or anything and most are obviously fake.

It's the same there was a court case in Flordia where a Drunk driver got off because his lawyers wanted the "source code" to the OS that ran the Blood Alchohol tester to verify it (not sure what to verify but hey). The company refused so he got off. Even though all those things has to go through calibration and testing before being considered valid. So to the court the calibration and verification didn't matter if they didn't see it straight up. (Trust me retarded but its true)
here is an article about it. and it seems it was a group of drunk drivers to over turn it all.

and here is another talking about everything getting thrown out
gubi-gubi Wrote:Are you sure? I mean if the dogs lead police to find ten kilos of coke or something then I doubt they would need to prove that in court. I mean the evidence is there. Just the same as if the police walked in and found it. You are going to go down no matter what.

Ok i did some more research about it and it seems that this is mostly a "defense" tactic where they want to put the dog and handler into question about how good or if they did something officially. It sucks that in the US if the person getting the evedence messes up somewhere even though it doesn't affect the evidence its thrown out.
The US legal system has become a pathetic defendant catch 22 oriented system thats more intersted about perp rights than justice.
Schultz Wrote:It's the same there was a court case in Flordia where a Drunk driver got off because his lawyers wanted the "source code" to the OS that ran the Blood Alchohol tester to verify it (not sure what to verify but hey). The company refused so he got off. Even though all those things has to go through calibration and testing before being considered valid. So to the court the calibration and verification didn't matter if they didn't see it straight up. (Trust me retarded but its true)
here is an article about it. and it seems it was a group of drunk drivers to over turn it all.

and here is another talking about everything getting thrown out

Damn that's weird. I got done for drink driving (I know it was stupid), doubt that would of worked in the UK though...
geo85 Wrote:The US legal system has become a pathetic defendant catch 22 oriented system thats more intersted about perp rights than justice.

Yea i agree it's became really bad. Harder for the police to do things anymore they have to watch themselves so much.

Heh yea i doubt it would of worked but hey maybe its not too late to try gubi!

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