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Thats right, despite it sequel being released, and the amount of players nearly being cut in half , however since Sony released the "Titanium Edition" last month containing all ten expansions and the game together for $19.99 the server populations seem to be on the rise once again.
Many of the games past few expansions have been completely overhauling graphics throughout the game, revamping character models and existing parts of the world as well as expanding onto new. Sony recently launched a site exclusively for players of the game
Information on expansion # 11 and im pretty sure a #12 is in the works.
The game has been re-packaged like five different times, or maybe more, I dunno anyway... Boredum motivated me to pick up a copy of the Platinum edition.
And no, despite the graphics overhauls its still no Everquest 2, not even quite world of Warcraft, it went from looking like a GIANT Playstation game, to looking like a high res n64 game with dreamcast character models.
Whats so great about it?
Its the only game with an open pvp server besides World of Warcraft which im utterly bored with. < The latest release for those interested, despite many misconceptions its not to late, the game is far from dead, and new content is being added all the time.
aka EngrishMajor
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Heh i won't play any of SOE games. Btw Ultima Online is still going and releasing Expansions and it came out well before Everquest 1 did. Also Ultima online had open pvp from day one on everything. So does Dark age of camelot. and multiple others.
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Quote:despite the graphics overhauls its still no Everquest 2, not even quite world of Warcraft
hmm, it seams you are implying that EverQuest 2 graphics are better than World of Warcraft? even suggesting that WoW graphics barely beat that of EQ1? hmm....
WoW graphics beat EQ2 by a mile, if you judging graphics by the poligon count, then sure EQ2 has more, but I can create more poligons than EQ2, but that wont make it look better...
I played EQ1 EQ2 and WoW, so I know what i am talking about...
Schultz can also post a recent news bit on same subject, that and how "EQ2 is so popular, they have to merge servers together" an oxymoron if i ever saw one.
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Everquest 1 has been slowly beaten to death since luclin. PoP was the last decent expansion they had. I can't stand the play the piece of crap sony has crafted my previous favorite game of all time into. Verant did such a better job. Sony made the servers more stable. Verant made a better game. They want me to play eq1 again? Start a new server from scratch with only the first expansion and release them all in order again on the server. Even then though it would be annoyuing cuz there would be so many players bitching about how slow it is or how you have to run and port everywhere with no pok. =/
The new everquest.. hopefully. I have high hopes with brad at the helm.
Btw JJ what server did you play on and what did you play? I had a 65 dwarf paladin on tribunal. Then I stupidly sold that and rebought a monk and lvld him to like 68 when the expansion came out and you could lvl to 70. By that time the game sucked so much I couldn't justify the loss of money I paid for the account and sold that one too.
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heh i played on Xegeny and well JJ played on Railos Zek or something like that. He was one of the brave that played on a full PVP server. and i quit after the release of the 2nd expansion. Then picked up EQ2 and played that for a year and got sick of Sony's crap with the first expansion.
and FYI sony wants / plans to release 2 expansions per year for EQ and EQ2. along with x amount of adventure packs that you gotta pay for. At least Blizzard gives you new content and zones without having to pay for each and everyone of them.
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Rallos zek. I tried playing on one of those once lol. Didn't really like it. I played on the one server that lasted for like a month too. Full pvp and if you died you lost your character permanently. Highest level character was like 15 lol. Fun for a while but obvious why it didn't last.
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yea had bunch of discussion with JJ about playing on there.. Fun but like he said everyone traveled around naked. Pretty much you learned to play your char not gear out your char to do anything at all. Its funny because JJ started on the server because he say the PVP and figured it would be easier to remember what server he was on. Not knowing what it was or what the other servers where. hehe crash course about it. But i am sure he can tell you more about it. We are tearing it up having a blast in WoW. nice to do things without having to have full stupid group just to gain experiance.
And no one knows more hardship then being a PK'er in Ultima Online. OMG was it fun but rough as hell. Because you turned an outcast from any town except for one which was filled with Pk'ers so very dangerous. And then any guard would instant kill you for a 40% stat lose if you resed. and that game sucked for getting skills up since there was no such thing as levels.
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yea I played on Rallos Zek, and as Schultz said, joined it for the wrong reasons heh (weird names, PVP next to server name... that looks like a good way to recall which server you on heh)
at the start of the game, on PVP server, u get killed (regardless if it was in pvp or npc, your corpse was open to loot by anyone, and they looted ALL of your stuff, including bags)
later they changed it to all coin on hand + 1 item that was not NO DROP and not in the bags and anyone can loot it ...
life on PVP server was running naked/no drop gear, being on PVP server you only had 1 set of attributes u were going after, regadless of class... it was resists... carebear servers (aka non pvp servers) were doing their HP/STA or mana/INT, losers heh.... my wizard on RZ resisted ice comet half the time, other half it did maybe 200-300hp damage...
the problem with the open PVP server was the ganking that happened at zones or gate portals, where gankers just sit there and nuke the shit out of you as u zone in (before u could even move) if Verant/Sony could have gotten rid of the looting in pvp, it would have gotten rid of the griefers and made the game so much more fun...
but anyhow, RZ was still alot more fun to play with, no uber guilds coming in and "own" zones, no try to take your spawn... cause if they try, (and on pvp server, kill you) you keep coming back and ganking em in return wehn they fight the mob u were camping heh
I quit EQ1 right after or right before second expansion, and I quit EQ2 after the first expansion... major overhalf was total crapola... anyone want to buy an account with like 50 necro, 40 some guardian, 60 armorer, 50 carpenter, 50 alchemist and like 49 jeweler if i remember right
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I partly quit eq2 now because sony pissed me off. They started charging me for an eq1 account out of nowhere. They wouldn't even tell me what the damn account was! It's being charged to my card you tell me the goddamn account. I could guess and I listed every single account name I could think of I ever owned and nodda so I have no idea what happened. (i've had access to a LOT of eq1 accounts lol) Sadly I gave most of them away to friends. I coulda made so much money selling them all lol. Especially the 60 cleric. Man I coulda made hundreds and hundreds with that one.

Gave him to a guildy to use on raids though. Stupid nice me.
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That really sucks.. i really really hate how sony does stuff now. with everything.