Does anyone else use it? I had to buy a new PS2 hook in, so I just got a multi connector that supports all three consoles, and used S video as well. I have never seen HD on games, but people that have always downplayed to the difference between regular A/V and S video. Let me tell you, if you haven?t seen it, wow. The difference is the sharpness and brightness. Text is easier to read, colors are more vibrant, and fuzziness is gone totally. The difference to me is so impactful, I wonder how I stood playing games before, cause I can?t go back to regular video now; it is a pale specter of how games should be viewed. As much as I dislike Baten Kaitos, the game was gorgeous and looks so much better in S-Video. Skies of Arcadia Legends, even while old, was a lot darker when viewed with just A/V. With S-Video it was way, way brighter and sharper as well. The clarity provided by S-Video is something to behold. I?ve tried a lot of games with, Bard?s Tale, God of War, Freedom Fighters, all look significantly better. If your T.V. has support for it, I suggest getting the hook up. Because HD may look amazing but the cost for it is something I won?t be able to afford for a long time, if ever. I?m not sure it would be worth buying a new T.V. for, but if you plan on getting a new tube, make sure it has the support, because it is worth it.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
I am using Component Cables (Green, Blue, Red cables [video] +audio cables red and white) for my PS2. It is totally the best. It beats S-Video by a bit. You should try it sometime and see if you like it
[Image: top_1.jpg]
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
yea i use Component Cables with my Gamecube too and S-Video with Ps2 and Xbox. never will use A/V unless i have a tv that doesn't suppose it but then again if a tv doens't support it then its picture will probably suck too.
Also the quality of the cables matters alot, the radio interference effects the quality of hte output, so component video cables, shielded gold plated.. (these cables sell for as much as a PS2 system easy)

also i think there is a new video connection system around, pure digital, think the plugs look like simular to USB plugs, newest TVs have that, so will new line of dvd players, then again blue rays and HDDVD DVDs (and DVD players) should be around the corner soon
Think the new cable you talking about called HDMI which i got introduced to it since my sister bought brand new HDTV and the HD DirectTV used it.
My brother has everything of his hooked up through Component as well (other then DVI for his dvd player).

Anyway, i keep trying to talk people into getting rid of the old composite crap cables, and move onto s-video (component is even better). The funny thing is, most people don't realize how long s-video has been around. If you look, you'll see that there are even s-video cables for the snes!

Since my tv only has 1 component input, i only have my ps2 setup through that. My saturn, gamecube, and dreamcast are all s-video. I still can't believe how much of a difference it made with the saturn, you should see how gorgeous guardian heroes looks now!
[Image: 468x60_gumgum.gif]
I just got an cheap s-video connector for my ps2 5 minutes ago and I'm still debating if I see a difference or not.

But what I actually wanted to ask, upon re-reading Blight's initial post is what is an multi connector? Is that one cable that hooks up to all 3 consoles simultaniusly? So it just use 1 input channel on the tv?
elcoholic Wrote:But what I actually wanted to ask, upon re-reading Blight's initial post is what is an multi connector? Is that one cable that hooks up to all 3 consoles simultaniusly? So it just use 1 input channel on the tv?

Yes that is what I was talking about. Unfortunately, I bought a madcatz one. That is the last time I buy a madcatz anything, because I have three Gamecube controllers that quit working right and now the S-video part of the cable went out for some reason. Don?t buy their shit, I breaks too fast.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Thanks man. Just ordered one to check it out. I'll be real happy if it works good since I only have 2 sockets left for 3 consoles so I switch plugs arround alot. Madcatz was the first one I found and would have bought that if you hadn't warned me. I bought this one http://www.game247.nl/Scripts/prodView.a...duct=14894
Oh, another thing. If your TV has an S-Video connection, there should be a separate auxiliary specifically for the S video. Video will show up on one of the regular auxiliaries it that wire is plugged in, but you have to go to the one set for the S-Video. I played all of God of War before realizing this (I step on my remote and it switched to the next one) that may be why you couldn't tell much difference.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
I have 2 scart inuts and one on the front with the red/yellow/white plugs and an s-video input. The front one shares the channel so its either s-video or the colored cables. I played some ICO and the colors did look clearer with less screen vibration so i did notice some positive difference but not a huge difference. Its a cheap cable that I have now so I hope it will be even better with the multiconnector. I'll put in god of war next to check that out, should be good. Thanks alot for your help.
Can anyone suggest a good svideo for the new slim ps2 other than the offical sony one?
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
Just check ebay. I don't think there's any difference between the slim line and normal ps2 models in the way they connect your ps2 to the tv. Same wire.

Which ones are good quality I don't know. I bought one of 7 euros but that's not a good one (very thin wires). My guess is more expensive is better in this case.
for SVideo, you dont want to invest too much cash into it, you only want to buy the best Component cables since its HD quanlity (if game supports it, i guess only applies to Xbox) the SVideo will help, less color bleeding etc, but there is only so much it can do.. in otherwords, as long as u dont have a power station behind your TV ( to generate alot of interferance) you'll be fine with just about any SVideo cable.
Watch my divx/xvid on my tv with my xbox through s-video. It's good quality but the only thing that pisses me off is that every tv I have with s-video has it in the front so the wires look messy!

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