20 guardsmen are down there now from Fargo purifying water. I'm surprised 20 actually volunteered to do it. Many of them are ruining this semesters work in college to go. Good for them though.
I was kinda too lazy to read all of these long posts :p , but if you don't understand global warming, go rent The Day After Tomarrow. It's not completely right, but a lot of the ideas are true in theory. I mean, it seriously exaggerates, but like I said...
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
You said the a lot of the ideas are true in theory, thats the point its all theory, nothing has been proven. That movie sucked A** and its off by like 500 years, the temp is rising at an extremly miniscule rate. Yeah the pollution will mess up the earth but not until long after my great grandkids are dead. That is unless we cut all the trees down at once, then were all dead.
Well do we atleast all agree that we ARE fucking up the earth? We are poluting the air, land and water (take a breath in any major city). No way we will last another million years or so if we keep up destroying the forests and poluting the air and sea like we do now. I'm almost glad we won't have oil anymore in 50 years. That'll make a huge difference.

In europe the temperature has rizen 1 degree (celcius) in the past 25 years. This measely 1 degree has caused 50% of our gleitcher (sp?) ice to melt. That's just 1 degree. These changes will cause the south of europe to get dryer and warmer and the north to get wetter. It not only melts the poles, it changes the climate's we live in. If things go on Portugal will be a desert in a century or 2 and the Netherlands will be totaly flooded. So like Andromeda says, better save then sorry.....PLEASE :eek: Big Grin
I swear, someone somewhere says 1degree and 50%!!!! of ice has melted and 10 people singing it like its the gospel truth, then 100 then a 1000...

I find it funny how people scream about the warmest summer ever, while officially in the 50s it was warmer... (official record keeping for the area where I am atleast)

Cutting of trees... what about planting 5 trees for every 1 cut? sure, it doesnt happen in every country but those things people fail to mention...

Humans populate very very very small % of earth, and jungles and rain forests go pretty fast

Show me proof of global warming, real proof, not essays and studies that say pull numbers out of every orafice like they were facts.. show me proof thats unbiast that will not exclude facts that dont fall in with their "hypothesis" poles Ice is declining?? show me proof?

When people want something they will believe it, people want to be enviorementalists, they want to feel good about themselfs, they want to help the mother earth, and when you tell those people Ice caps are melting! thats all you need to tell them, no proof nothing, and they will fight to the death defending that stance, because mother earth is hurting, poles are melting and we are responsible!

Scientists been warning about global warmining for decades?? they were warning about Global cooling for decades, global warmining is the new thing, that came around in the 80s

anyhow i can debate this forever, much like religion but I am too tired and busy.

we are all entitled to our opinions, what my mission in life is, is make people question things, dont accept things people say just because the person that says it is a "learned individual" ask for proof, ask for backup data, ask why when in jurassic times, when the wild fires burned unchecked, there was no global warming...

Be critical thinkers... thats all.
I think JJ has just became my new favorite person on the boards. You need to post more often man. Smile
evilomar Wrote:What I have learned from this post:

1) America sucks, no wait it doesn't suck, but then again it might still suck....
2) Black people make up anywhere from 60% to 70% of the population in NO..
3) The military sucks, no it doesn't, wait it might suck a little....
4) Found out what FEMA was!
5) America is the richest country....no wait it maybe not....
6) Global warming isn't real, no wait it is...
7) And what the fuck ninjas aren't real? .....that one really bothers me the most!

Ah freedom of speech! Ohh and by the way, I think its very admidrable Ka-Talliya that you are donating your time, to help these people. I have made a few donations, I know what a natural disaster can do, I was in Lima, Peru when we got hit with a horrible earthquake. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Kanye West's comment about George Bush not caring about black people! Well Freedom of speech again, and he did donate his earnings, but then again I think if your ass is a movie star or musician you should donate some cash or something.
Donating my time? This is my job...
I'm working with FEMA, in direct support of them...working my ass off, I've seen them working their asses off. Whoever called for all the "main" FEMA personnel to be fired needs to be ferried to NO and left.
As far as disorganization, who is anyone not in this area to judge the organization or disorgainization of this operation? It was on that Mayor to get his people out, not a federal problem...not a military problem...belive me, we have our own problems. Now that Mayor wants to blame everyone else, when it was his own city's failings that caused this problem.
JunkieJoe Wrote:I swear, someone somewhere says 1degree and 50%!!!! of ice has melted and 10 people singing it like its the gospel truth, then 100 then a 1000...

Good to see you posting again JJ. Been a while but your still sharp I seeSmile

That 50% is not all the ice in europe, just the gleitchers, mainly in Scandinavia and Russia. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that gleitchers don't get smaller normally. They loose ice at the bottom and gain it at the top. I didn't mention this to prove that its caused by the greenhouse effect, I said this to try and show what a relatively small temperature rise can do to an enviroment. It was said by a respectable Dutch enviromentalist so I don't have a link and don't have the time to look for it.

Quote:I find it funny how people scream about the warmest summer ever, while officially in the 50s it was warmer... (official record keeping for the area where I am atleast)

Summer probably your right but take a whole years average temperature and you will see a rise. Atleast in europe that's the case.

Quote: Cutting of trees... what about planting 5 trees for every 1 cut? sure, it doesnt happen in every country but those things people fail to mention...

I don't understand this cause it just isn't happening. Are you denying the destruction of the rain forest? The trees in the rain forest are 100's of years old and fucking huge. You don't just replace trees like that and all the animals living there and plant species that get destroyed. Besides, they aren't replacing shit down there.

Now, I don't want to come across as some eco activist. I don't do anything to help the enviroment myself but I do recognise that the way humans are treating the earth won't make it pretier.

Quote:Show me proof of global warming, real proof, not essays and studies that say pull numbers out of every orafice like they were facts.. show me proof thats unbiast that will not exclude facts that dont fall in with their "hypothesis" poles Ice is declining?? show me proof?

Well, the earth is warming up. The cause as pointed out before can't be proven but that doesn't mean we shouldn't leave the option open that we humans are part of the cause and can be part of a solution. I think logically thinking its very posible for the greenhouse effect to be true. I fear that once again the people claiming that humans have nothing to do with global warming say so becuase it would cost them money to do something about it. As always, its all about money.

Quote: When people want something they will believe it, people want to be enviorementalists, they want to feel good about themselfs, they want to help the mother earth, and when you tell those people Ice caps are melting! thats all you need to tell them, no proof nothing, and they will fight to the death defending that stance, because mother earth is hurting, poles are melting and we are responsible!

Just so we're clear, I'm nothing like that.

I would have thought to get some more people in on this since its such a popular subject in many animes. You know, humans are poluting the earth, earth gets mad and sends some giant robots or monsters to teach us a leason.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:As far as disorganization, who is anyone not in this area to judge the organization or disorgainization of this operation? It was on that Mayor to get his people out, not a federal problem...not a military problem...belive me, we have our own problems. Now that Mayor wants to blame everyone else, when it was his own city's failings that caused this problem.

We go by the news we get. I haven't seen one single news report stating that the US was prepared for this and has done all they can from the beginning. Once again, I'm sure you are doing eveything you can now but that wasn't the case for the first 2/3 days when people were stuck in that city etc etc.

Now, in event of a dissater crippling an entire city I doubt you can leave all the work to the mayor and his staff. If so you need to take a good look at your dissaster plans. This is a national dissaster covering 3 states and its definetly a federal problem if I've ever seen one. Maybe the mayor should have asked for federal help before the storm hit (I don't know if he did), maybe the central government should have recognized the problem earlier and prepared beter. I heard Mr. Powell state that mistakes were made on all levels of the government so lets leave it at that. It wasn't handled perfectly.

I hope things are getting beter where you are. How are things going there? Has everyone calmed down?
what she is referring to is the actual Mayor didn't follow there own city's procedures before teh Hurricane. he didn't do alot of things thats came to bite him in teh ass now. but he is blaming the Federal government on these things. but the problem is you can only prepare so much and you can think it will do this so you prepare for this and then it does 10x what you think it will do.. etc my original statement you can never be fully prepared..

Also on teh rain forests.. no the tree's are not hundreds of years old.. I have watched a documentary on it.. when it rains hard alot of trees fall over because of the soil coming up and loosing compared to there sides.. and it actually takes No time at all for a tree to take its place because the seeds are actually getting sunlight which is normally covered up.. So basicaly for teh tree's its a mad dash to see who can be first to fill that spot in teh canopy of the rain forest. But i won't get into other things.. because there is no way to compare anything.. because cosmic events could be affecting things too which we would have no way of knowing..
yea the Mayor of the New Orleans is an SOB, he is trying to cover his ass but after the dust has settled, aside from not being re-elected he's gonna have alot of reports naming him responsible for alot of problems in the city...

last hurricane he didnt want to open the dome up for shelted and ONLY at the last minute he did... this time around he DID open it to be a shelter but never bothered to supply nessesaties such as water, food, portable toilets, nurses and doctors and general security...

he never used the cities public transit to evac the city, instead he parked them all and let the fleet get flooded, if anyone is responsible for crap thats going on in New Orleans its him...

you people who blame the federal government and Bush for everything need to stop looking for a scape goat... Imagine if the federal government had a finger in everything, telling you what to do, how to do it etc etc.... heck, i'd be like you are living in Canada, and its not a good thing by a long strech...

in Canada, the socialist land of the west... so many people have been so socialised, depending on the goverment for everything, people are loosing their individuality and becoming "just another Comrade"

Capitalism is great... I admire all the americans that dig their own bomb shelters... (guess you cant dig your own flood shelter unless, like in golden words of Homer Simpson,, or was it Cheif Wigams? "Dig up Stupid")
evilomar Wrote:What I have learned from this post:

1) America sucks, no wait it doesn't suck, but then again it might still suck....
2) Black people make up anywhere from 60% to 70% of the population in NO..
3) The military sucks, no it doesn't, wait it might suck a little....
4) Found out what FEMA was!
5) America is the richest country....no wait it maybe not....
6) Global warming isn't real, no wait it is...
7) And what the fuck ninjas aren't real? .....that one really bothers me the most!

LMFAO, that is the funniest thing I read in weeks. The power of opinionated debate right here folks; it definitively answers all questions!Big Grin
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
JunkieJoe Wrote:you people who blame the federal government and Bush for everything need to stop looking for a scape goat... Imagine if the federal government had a finger in everything, telling you what to do, how to do it etc etc.... heck, i'd be like you are living in Canada, and its not a good thing by a long strech...

That is a good point, but I didn't realize Canada was like that.:confused:
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
JunkieJoe Wrote:Imagine if the federal government had a finger in everything, telling you what to do, how to do it etc etc....

Bush does want to tell everyone what to do and anyone who disagrees is wrong and against America... Freedom fries?
gubi-gubi Wrote:Bush does want to tell everyone what to do and anyone who disagrees is wrong and against America... Freedom fries?

To that I tell him to shit in one hand, wish in the other and see which one fills up first, because he is a U.S. president and too many people, especially the vampires in congress, would have a problem. The power struggle that goes on in our government is what keeps the balance.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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