Batman Begins
This movie is amazing. It is exactly how Batman should be done. Go watch it as soon as possible.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It was pretty good, but I still love the first movie best of the entire series. After how all the other films in the series were done. artistic wise this one almost seemed like it was from an entirely different series all together
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
a bunch of critics said it sucked. :S
i still intend to see it anyways cause i usually dont agree with critics :p
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
it was better than the first and better than the best batmovie (mask of the phantasm) everyone always talks about the look and feel of the first, which might matter if that wasnt tim burtons actual visual style, if he shot like that for that movie it would be different, but that is just how he is so its style isnt that unique to the film. now chris nolan is a genuis, and has gotten everything right from the mood to the style, to the feel of what batman should be, something to be feared, and best of all not that much cgi, he hates it so it make a more realistic feel
Oh thank God for this topic; there may actually be a chance for an intelligent conversation. I think this movie was good, but could definitely use improvement in some areas. For example the batsuit, the batmobile, Bale's Batman voice, and the fight scenes. Nolan could have definitely worked on the suspense too, this movie really lacked it. All in all it's still a good movie, but I'm reluctant to call it the best Batman movie.
Jenga, question did could u say that batman: mask of the phantasm was the best then? see a lot of people dispell that movie as the best one because it is a cartoon, well this being an anime website i was wondering what your take was, also what was wrong with the suit and the car, and the voice? the car and suit i thought were very realistic and actually has a real life purpose, being in the military myself i can see me wearing one in high combat areas, and the use of the tumbler as well. okay i can understand the voice a bit, but it is meant to strike fear, if i heard that voice coming from behind me i would probably be a little fearful of it. i think all in all it worked, it seemed more real than the other movies and thats what they were going for, know i can actually believe in a batman, and a scarecrow who seemed like a regular person instead of the over the top people we are used to
kanedaestes Wrote:it was better than the first and better than the best batmovie (mask of the phantasm) everyone always talks about the look and feel of the first, which might matter if that wasnt tim burtons actual visual style, if he shot like that for that movie it would be different, but that is just how he is so its style isnt that unique to the film. now chris nolan is a genuis, and has gotten everything right from the mood to the style, to the feel of what batman should be, something to be feared, and best of all not that much cgi, he hates it so it make a more realistic feel

You make it sound like if someone else would of done the first batman movie in the style it was done it would of been genius but because it is Tim Burton its blah. Burtons dark touch he gives films is why he was the perfect director for the Batman movie. Calling Nolan a genius after this is really only his fourth film he has been involved with might be overstating the person. Granted Memento was pretty good but his other two films Insomnia and Following were nothing all that special. Burton's films we know what they are going to be like and they still have that dark effect that is unique to him alone as a director. its like tring to compare apples and oranges
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Just saw it tonight. One of the few movies I made sure I went to right away. I was surprised at just how good it was. The coolest part about it I thought was that they can remake "Batman" or they can leave begins where it is, because it basically leads into the original Batman movie.

I like the suit and batmobile. I have a feeling in the next movie (assuming they make one) they will be changing the batmobile to be more like the classic. Because this is a story that hasn't really been done much they could take a bit of liberty.

One of the things I like they changed simply because they look so cool is Wayne training with those shadow people (forgot what they are called) instead of monks.
Mantis421 Wrote:You make it sound like if someone else would of done the first batman movie in the style it was done it would of been genius but because it is Tim Burton its blah. Burtons dark touch he gives films is why he was the perfect director for the Batman movie. Calling Nolan a genius after this is really only his fourth film he has been involved with might be overstating the person. Granted Memento was pretty good but his other two films Insomnia and Following were nothing all that special. Burton's films we know what they are going to be like and they still have that dark effect that is unique to him alone as a director. its like tring to compare apples and oranges

oh dont get me wrong by any means, i love the first and second one, and i think tim is a genius and did an excellent job, especially with batman returns which was a lot darker than the first. it is just that i have been to man sites and talked to a lot of people that say that nothing can compare to tim's version, because it was so dark and gothic. which if most of his other movies werent gothic would make that statement more relevent to me is all. If another director did shoot it like that then i would be making the same statement that that is why the first was so unique. and yes chris nolan's movies have not been all hits, but then most of these comic movie directors are like that, like sam raimi and spiderman, who thought the darkman and evil dead creator could have done such a superb job? anywho, i do appreciate burton and his work, all his stuff is great, but i just think that people are overrating his batman movies because of there style is all, once again before this mask of the phantasm was the best, that was the only one to have every element right
Cidien Wrote:Just saw it tonight. One of the few movies I made sure I went to right away. I was surprised at just how good it was. The coolest part about it I thought was that they can remake "Batman" or they can leave begins where it is, because it basically leads into the original Batman movie.

I like the suit and batmobile. I have a feeling in the next movie (assuming they make one) they will be changing the batmobile to be more like the classic. Because this is a story that hasn't really been done much they could take a bit of liberty.

One of the things I like they changed simply because they look so cool is Wayne training with those shadow people (forgot what they are called) instead of monks.

i honestly hope that if they change the batmobile it will be to something different, i don't want this series to lead in to the original, i want it to be its own series, just start off fresh. i like the first 2 movies they way they are and i don't want there to be any clashing of any sort
kanedaestes Wrote:i honestly hope that if they change the batmobile it will be to something different, i don't want this series to lead in to the original, i want it to be its own series, just start off fresh. i like the first 2 movies they way they are and i don't want there to be any clashing of any sort

Personally I don't think I want to see a redo of The first Batman movie. To me at least its to soon to do a remake. At least with 50s through 70s films enough years have gone by that some of the films have almost been forgotten. "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" is a great example of this. I think Batman isn't dated enough to warrent a remake yet. It would be like remaking the Mad Max beyond thunderdome or Stargate when it hasent been all that many years yet, because someone wants to put their own spin on the film. But of course I am still tring to get over the Sci Fi network remaking the first Dune movie, and rumors they want to do a Blade runner series
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I don't view this film as a prequel to the first Batman movie. I see it as a brand new story with no connection to the Burton movies. The next movie may use some of the same characters but it definitely will not be a remake.

I'd read on the Internet Movie Database that Mark Hamill is in the running to play the Joker in the next movie. I think that so far Hamill has done the best Joker. I'm just not sure how well he would be able to pull off the Joker physically.

Dark Osamu and I are going to see this movie again tomorrow. I can't wait.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I didn't know he was still acting. He must be bored. =P
I just saw this movie yesterday... the story and everything worked out pretty well although i could have sworn he trained with monks rather than ninja peoples :S... anywho. the batmobile was cool aswell as the batsuit. i didnt really like the actor who played batman (cant remember his name), he was fine when he was playing bruce wayne but when he starts doing batman he always walked with a hunch and the voice went really weird. i realise this was done in an effort to hide his identity but it just didn't sound right to me. and i thought scarecrow was able to fight aswell as inspire fear into people :confused:

Even after all my criticiscm i still think it was a pretty cool movie.
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]
Mark Hamill as the Joker Hmmm interesting, I just saw him in some made for cable stuff recently were he played a sociopath and he was able to do the role pretty good, but other then that he has played in a few Sci Fi Network movies that were OK but not great and when he did the Acting for the Wing Commander III and IV games.
Unfortunately Keaton who played Batman in Burtons version of the film probably more because of age then anything else would not be used for the Batman role again, but he really did fit the role good. Mind mannered almost average as a regular guy as Bruce Wayne, and dark, perfect voice ect for the Batman.
Kind of a weird thing remember and notice is remember the role Billy Dee Williams played in the early I believe first two films? Did anyone else notice he became a white guy in the later films?
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga

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