Speed Racer saves money on his car insurance
According to Radio-Info, there's a new Geico ad out featuring Speed Racer -- haven't seen the ad, just got word of it. Apparently, according to that Radio-Info thread, it starts off as an ordinary scene from the show, ending with the typical Geico punchline -- "I saved money on my car insurance!".
Travel The Anime Expressway
I saw it once last about a week ago, it was fantastic. Trixie is up in the helicopter warning Speed of peril on the road ahead, luckily there is some good news.
The geico comercials are the only ones I actually like. I love the look on speeds face when she tells him the bridge is out ahead but wait theres good news she saved money buy switching to geico, classic.
Has anyone seen the wrestling one or the one with the excercise guy thats always prepy.
geo85 Wrote:The geico comercials are the only ones I actually like. I love the look on speeds face when she tells him the bridge is out ahead but wait theres good news she saved money buy switching to geico, classic.
Has anyone seen the wrestling one or the one with the excercise guy thats always prepy.

Yeah, you know he is thinking "That dumb bitch!" I about crapped when I saw it though. I mean, I guess it kinda makes a little since, because he is a race car driver, but it was still a little strange and out of the blue.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
yeah i have seen it a few times and was very happy with it lol

geico is cool cus it is both useful and amusing unlike a over expensive car commercial which is neither
Its a cool little comercial, I get a kick out of the fact that there was probably an anime fan who propsed the idea for the commercial. It would be funny to find out how many people really had no idea when seeing the commercial
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