Warning: ~kirika~=potential shitty trader
And this question is to balthier,

kirika told me that you never sent out the Happy Lesson set. What can you say about that? Do you have delivery confirmation that she recieved it?

kirika, hold onto your Ranma set until balthier responds.
Kirika should have recieved it about 10 days ago. It has been 18 days since we both agreed to ship the items. No I didn't get a confirmation number neither of us negotiated paying for one in the trade. We only mentioned priority shipping.

Regardless of whether or not I recieve Ranma 1/2 OVA I will NEVER trade with Kirika again, nobody just "forgets" for 7 days straight to ship out some DVDs. Then apologize and say it won't happen again, then forget for another 7 days. I recieved 1 PM from Kirika the entire time which was 7 days after they were suppose to ship it saying they forgot. Then I recieved 0 PMs and 0 replies for 7 more days until I finally started talking about Kirika being a HORRIBLE trader.

lack of communication
forgets repetively
does not keep promises

and kirika had me pay priority shipping for their package, while I am waiting 2 weeks to a month for their package.
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
~kirika~ Wrote:and hopefully youll reply to the message i sent you before the post office closes so i can ship it today but you take so long to reply to anything that i doubt you will so i will have to wait till monday and that will be YOUR fault

This is 100% lie I sent several PMs including my address. They are posting this to get away with ripping me off and fool more of you into getting ripped off.

I SUGGEST COMMUNICATING TO ~Kirika~ on the phone (get Kirika's number for future problems) before ever agreeing to trade with them.
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
As for balthier-kirika trade, it is possible that the package from balthier to kirika got lost in the mail. In that case, both are telling the truth. Problem is we don't know what happened without delivery confirmation. This is pretty much he said, she said situation.

So this argument is an excercise in futility. And I think therefore, balthier should stop calling kirika a liar. And kirika, you should make a little better effort for communication in the future.

Lesson learned: use delivery confirmation at all times.
balthier Wrote:This is 100% lie I sent several PMs including my address. They are posting this to get away with ripping me off and fool more of you into getting ripped off.

I SUGGEST COMMUNICATING TO ~Kirika~ on the phone (get Kirika's number for future problems) before ever agreeing to trade with them.

Do you think that you still have the Post Office receipt when you sent off the dvd set? If you have it, scan it or whatever since the date, which form of shipping method, city and zip code would be on it. At least you will seem more credible then.

Lost in mail? Likely for Media Mail but not for Priority Mail. I happened to have a missing package one time and had to go to the Post Office supervisor for at least 6 times. He explained some of the processing and delivery procedures the post offices have. He told me that priority mails reach their destinations 99.99% of the time, unless some1 is stealing the packages.
Yes I have the receipt.

Ofcourse the package isn't lost ~Kirika~ is full of it. They recieved it and claiming they didn't just to get away with scamming. Trade with Kirika at your own risk

I can mail the receipt to JJ if I need to to get ~Kirika~ banned for scamming if I do not recieve Ranma 1/2 OVA.

Also I will make ~Kirika~ address public at JJ's consent incase they create a new account so people will know: not to trade anything to that address cuz that's Kirika who will scam them.

I already gave ~Kirika~ a SECOND chance last Friday APril 30th now a THIRD chance this last friday May 6th. We will see if ~Kirika~ comes through on their third freakin chance otherwise I won't have any more tolerance for their incompetence.

No one is stupid enough to forget for 7 days, apologize and promise they wont forget again, then forget ANOTHER 7 days while shipping out someone else's package and not mine. Pure BS
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
Japschin Wrote:Lost in mail? Likely for Media Mail but not for Priority Mail. I happened to have a missing package one time and had to go to the Post Office supervisor for at least 6 times. He explained some of the processing and delivery procedures the post offices have. He told me that priority mails reach their destinations 99.99% of the time, unless some1 is stealing the packages.
Remember that the package was shipped from Alaska. Packages from Hawaii and Alaska go through a little different procedure.

Also, it's funny you mentioned about someone stealing the mail. Kinda recently, a postman got arrested for dumping mails in trash because he was behind the delivery schedule.

Kirika probably received it does not mean she did receive it. I would prefer giving people the benefit of doubt. Otherwise, we might as well just give up on trading.
And one more thing. If kirika really meant to cheat Happy Lesson out of Baltheir, she could've just said she already shipped Ranma set out. That's the easiest and most obvious way out. But as we know, she never claimed she shipped it. That tells me she was probably not out to cheat.
well i woulda just had them send first since kirika has no feedback yet at least if she does not much

i always try to trade whoever has more feedback sends second so....

unless they really want a package fast then i can do same time and stuff..

The other concern is even if she really did forget twice who wants to trade with her anyways i mean come on thats bad
In my opinion, communication is the MOST important thing in a trade, cause if you have no communication between the two traders, then might as well not trade at all.
[Image: top_1.jpg]
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
balthier Wrote:Kirika should have recieved it about 10 days ago. It has been 18 days since we both agreed to ship the items. No I didn't get a confirmation number neither of us negotiated paying for one in the trade. We only mentioned priority shipping.

Regardless of whether or not I recieve Ranma 1/2 OVA I will NEVER trade with Kirika again, nobody just "forgets" for 7 days straight to ship out some DVDs. Then apologize and say it won't happen again, then forget for another 7 days. I recieved 1 PM from Kirika the entire time which was 7 days after they were suppose to ship it saying they forgot. Then I recieved 0 PMs and 0 replies for 7 more days until I finally started talking about Kirika being a HORRIBLE trader.

lack of communication
forgets repetively
does not keep promises

and kirika had me pay priority shipping for their package, while I am waiting 2 weeks to a month for their package.

This from one of the biggest pricks on the boards. I'd "forget" to ship to you too until I received your set. I wouldn't trust you and I don't believe you now. The quickest person to point the finger is usually the person with something to hide.
Cidien Wrote:This from one of the biggest pricks on the boards. I'd "forget" to ship to you too until I received your set. I wouldn't trust you and I don't believe you now. The quickest person to point the finger is usually the person with something to hide.

Keep in mind I didn't create this thread. This trade began April 25th, I was suppose to get my package the 29th. That sure as hell doesn't make me the quickest one to point the finger. Might wanna actually "read" the full thread before replying.
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
more then likely balithers trade was lost in the mail, i bought stuff from balither not that long ago, and i recived it not more then three days after sending the money, though i agree with beboprules, if kirika was cheating you, she would have come up with a much better excuse
balthier Wrote:Keep in mind I didn't create this thread. This trade began April 25th, I was suppose to get my package the 29th. That sure as hell doesn't make me the quickest one to point the finger. Might wanna actually "read" the full thread before replying.
Oh, no. You are not gonna blame someone else for your accusation of kirika. I had entirely different reasons. I had a delivery confirmation to prove. I had a 4 day-old PM message that is still unconfirmed and unread. I had indisputable proofs.

You don't have any proofs. No one should call someone a theif without the definite knowledge. We are still waiting for the reciept that you supposedly sent out. That will make you a little more credible. Right now, it's her words against your words, and one just as worthy as the other.

One thing apears to be, though, is that Kirika seems to mail the stuff only after she knows the other person sent her stuff. That's not very nice.

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