Warning: ~kirika~=potential shitty trader
I have a feeling this is not going well. I made a trade with ~kirika~

She already received my set. She made an excuse not being able to go to post office 2 days ago. Then she told me she would ship it next day. I bought the excuse. Then yesterday and today, she isn't even replying to my PM.

It has a high potential to be a shitty trade. If she fulfills her part as soon as possible, I'll remove this thread. Otherwise, this goes on shitty trade thread.
Dude, it's only been 2 days. Calm down. I just sent something through ebay not too long ago without informing a buyer and couldn't check the computer for 3-4 days. By the time I went to check my email I found like 4-5 threatening emails and a claim against my account for not sending. The guy was an idiot and an ass. Don't be that guy.
Nope. She is receiving other people's PM, but she is intentionally not receiving my PM. Make some bogus trade offer and send PM to her. She'll receive it.

I'll give her chance to explain herself. Besides, there is another reason why I am thinking this is not quite normal.
She is not a potential hazard, SHE IS A HAZARD! I sent Happy Lesson to her Monday of last week she made an excuse on Friday that she had forgotten to send my Ranma 1/2 OVA I didn't recieve it wednseday (via priority mail) nor thursday, nor today friday.

She/He will RIP YOU OFF, do not trade with them!
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
uh uh This is getting ugly.
Let's see how she is going to explain herself. I'm willing to give her a chance.
She just told me she sent the set. She's going to give me the delivery confirmation number tomorrow. So maybe this will get resolved.
Cidien Wrote:Dude, it's only been 2 days. Calm down. I just sent something through ebay not too long ago without informing a buyer and couldn't check the computer for 3-4 days. By the time I went to check my email I found like 4-5 threatening emails and a claim against my account for not sending. The guy was an idiot and an ass. Don't be that guy.
I completely agree.
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
Kirika told me last friday, April 30th (or 31st w/e) that she forgot to ship it the monday before (april 25th) on the day I shipped Happy Lesson. So they were suppose to ship it one week later then the day I shipped Happy Lesson which is May 2nd. It's May 7th and Kirika just PMed me and said they forgot (again) and promise (again) that they will ship it the very next day (again) Ok well that's nice you are promising me, but what the hell happened to your first promise?

Trade with Kirika and I guarantee you're fucked. At a minimal expect a waiting time of 2-3 weeks for Kirika to ship because aparently they forget to ship EVERYONE's stuff. This trader is a risk, I paid priority mail for Kirika's package and she in return not only doesn't give me priority mail but keeps the Ranma 1/2 OVA set 14 days longer. And so far has not yet shipped it according to the PM I recieved 2 hours ago. They promise (for the second time) to ship it out ASAP and they promise (for the second time) they won't forget.

Trade at your own risk.
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
An irresponsible trader does not make a thief. An ass - yes - but not a thief.
As an ironic sidenote, why are you so upset kirika may have stolen a set you stole in the first place? :p

I understand why so no response is necessary, I just think it's ironic.
balthier you're being a total ass i have a lot of thing i have to do you know i have a job and a child to take care of its hard to get everything done on time so just chill out and i have already mailed and given the confirmation number to beboprules and i cant find the message you sent me with your address in it cuz i deleted long ago cuz you never seemed to respond to my messages so in my book its you who is an ass not me
[Image: kirika2.jpg]

My Trade list
and hopefully youll reply to the message i sent you before the post office closes so i can ship it today but you take so long to reply to anything that i doubt you will so i will have to wait till monday and that will be YOUR fault
[Image: kirika2.jpg]

My Trade list
I am happy to be able to say that ~kirika~ did keep her words. She sent the package. More importantly, it was actually sent out BEFORE this thread was made. Only thing she did wrong was the lack of communication. I should say sorry for not being patient enough.

I am still puzzled why she didn't read my message. One PM that I sent out to her 2 days ago (asking about delivery number) is still shown as unconfirmed, even though she was on line many times since then, which led me to believe that she was avoiding the communication.

I will also state that I would do another trade with ~kirika~ again. Don't let this happening stop you.
And this thread will be deleted once everyone gets chance to read what happened.
And this question is to balthier,

kirika told me that you never sent out the Happy Lesson set. What can you say about that? Do you have delivery confirmation that she recieved it?

kirika, hold onto your Ranma set until balthier responds.

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