New company? Who made these sets?

There are witch hunter Robin, Evangelion, and Escaflowne. I checked covers for MI, AV, FX, and MAC. None of them matches. He's claiming they are used, but I doubt they are.

Evangelion supposedly has even French dub as well as Eng and Jap. Obviously they are not FX rip. Anyone has any idea where these sets are from?
The which hunter and escaflowne are MI boxes...the other one is the new MAC rip of the FX set with extra new company here..b
bmvtoys Wrote:The which hunter and escaflowne are MI boxes...the other one is the new MAC rip of the FX set with extra new company here..b

I have seen the box of MI rip of FX escaflowne. It is pink. You are wrong unless MI has more than one cover for the same set. That won't surprise me, though.
hbk101 Wrote:I have seen the box of MI rip of FX escaflowne. It is pink. You are wrong unless MI has more than one cover for the same set. That won't surprise me, though.

Pink? Uhm, i buy direct from MI and they had 2 Different covers, one White, and when they retired that they used the blue one pictured. I have never encountered a Pink cover and i have been buying from them since before they did e-dubs.

I see. I see 2 differnet codes for same escaflowne sets from MI
One is E0038
The other is F0038

Is E0038 blue cover and F0038 white cover?
actually the E0038 is the nasty white cover, and the F0038 is the really nice blue one. F stands for FX titles that were ripped. B
Nasty white cover? Why was that nasty? So does that mean ones with e codes are MI's own rip?

The pink one I saw looked nice.
That's a foggy area (the E rip stuff). Nobody is really sure, lol, but i rarley have problems with them. The White cover escaflone is very plain and doesnt say escaflowne on the face at all in english, it has it written in japanese, here is the picture.

That particular set i have experienced pressing issues with, but havent had it in a long time.


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It's really confusing what they are doing. You are saying that e is old one and F is new one. BUt if I remember correctly, F series still has Mi logo and on e series, they removed all the logos. I thought e series is new one and F series is old one. You sure you didn't get the code backward for escaflowne? F for whie cover and E for blue cover?
MI in general are confusing!. All the E/F stand for is "E" is MI ripped E dubs, and F is from FX rips. The F box came out second and is the only one available from MI, because it replaced the "old" version that they made because of superior quality.

The blue box is F0038..i have about 12 of them in front of me. B
bmvtoys Wrote:The blue box is F0038..i have about 12 of them in front of me. B

LOL You can't be wrong with those in your hands. Big Grin

I wonder why they put MI logos in F series video and not on E-series.

Ok, So the conclusion: there is no new companies.

I also saw 2 different covers from AV as well. these companies are making multi-covers. Thanks for clarifying
wanna complicate things further? LOL, MI did a series of stuff with "new boxes", a beautiful standalone box with 2 or 3 disks in it. These things have spot varnished covers and look great up close. They mark them NE (new english) joke..

bmvtoys Wrote:wanna complicate things further? LOL, MI did a series of stuff with "new boxes", a beautiful standalone box with 2 or 3 disks in it. These things have spot varnished covers and look great up close. They mark them NE (new english) joke..

Here is even better one. Maybe Mac or AV did it. Somebody copied FX set front to back with FX logo identically. If you still see FX sets floating around, those might be identical copies.
Nah these are MI produced sets (at least the boxes are), prolly the best looking HK sets i have ever seen. I think they gave up on doing them tho, which sucks. I think that was the next thing they were moving to. B
I meant even better as in even more confusing Big Grin

I'll have to look out for NE series by MI. I am just curious to see the delux box you mentioned. I wish they do away with M-lock, though.

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