U Know Japanese?
Does anyone here know how to read/speak Japanese or read the english translations that are still Japanese words? If you do how long did it take you learn it, I heard it is pretty hard with all those different characters they have for their vocab.

And anyone know a good place to learn it either online or with a certain book.

I'm currently learning spanish for college and thats not to hard but i think that it would be more useful for me to learn Japanese since i am into anime and all.

P.S. If you know any Japanese words that are useful please post them.Thanks.
use the sites search button !
enter "translate"

you will get the answer you search for.
this is the site i use:


also at your local sams club they sell cd/cd roms that teach you diffrent languages i got a set there only started one disc didnt have time to go back. and i forgot it when i came up here. and i could of used it i have not a thing to do.

have fun searching. also use that button before you post a topic.

Watch this flash movie :
"Posting And You"

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I also am currently trying to learn Japanese. If any one has any tips on what helped them out, please post them cause I would like to know as well.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
When I first tried learning Japanese language, I was using books, a serie which I don't know if it exists in english, but it's from the Assimil series. It's quite a good book, but I didn't like the way it was taking.

Language is a fragment, a small part of a bigger picture. Japanese is, in my opinion, to be learned with all of its culture. That is why I am currently taking University Classes about Japanese Culture, History, Politics, Language and Calligraphy. The best way would be to pack up and go in Japan, however it may not be the possible solution for a majority of us... that's why University was a great choice too.

And it has been a year now, and it's really great. We learn the language AND culture pretty fast, and yet there is so much other things to learn, but life's ahead of me, there's plenty of time.
You'll need it in due time
Japanese as far as learning it is a piece of cake. However using japanese in real life is not really gonna happen unless you live in japan. Why? Japanese who are in other countries have a strict rule of not speaking japanese in public as they honor the language of the country they are in.

Learning japanese is only easy if and only if they teach you the nuts and bolts gammar in about 6 months cause the rest of your learning is just going to be verbs and nouns. Well anyways japanese is a redundant language. Reading japanese is way easy also I swear I was reading japanese after about 6 months of teaching myself.

If you wanna learn japanese for free just PM me.

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