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Half-Life 2 -
It is out and again this week i cant get it no money and not enough memory to play it either Damn you RAM ! when i finally move i will try and save to get money and get this game i want to play counter strike source that comes with the game i want to play that more then the half-life 2 game. my friend told me that halo 2 was good but half-life 2 takes the cake its so much better and will be the game of the year. i want to play it even more now and wish it had come out on the box of X at the same time so i can actualy play it there but then no counter strike with it ahhhhhhh.
well any of you lucy enough to get this game and lay your luck hands on it ?
is it fun?
how is the new CS ?
"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE
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I played CS:S till midnight and played HL2 till about 2 yesterday. HL2 is freaking awsome. I have loved every minute of it so far. THe new CS is alot better then the old one. I personally hate the old CS but love the new one. The guns are more acurate, granades and flashbangs work how they are supposed to. Buy it as soon as possiable, you cant miss out on this one.
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im bidding on ebay i only need some ram damnit !
ram for the poor.
if you want to donate PM me ~
"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE
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Last Exile Wrote:im bidding on ebay i only need some ram damnit !
ram for the poor.
if you want to donate PM me ~
LOL, check out and you can find some good prices there.
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1) Day of Defeat is SO much better than Counter-Strike. After I found Day of Defeat I couldn't even bring myself to play CS anymore.
2) If buying on eBay DO NOT buy Steam Accounts that claim to be half-life 2 upgraded. They are sold by frauds.
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Just looked up the system reqs and it says it only reqs 256 ram. You don't have 256 ram? It recommends 512 so you should have that, but you don't have 256?
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Cidien Wrote:1) Day of Defeat is SO much better than Counter-Strike. After I found Day of Defeat I couldn't even bring myself to play CS anymore.
Same here, I love DoD, cant wait for the new one to come out.
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-spike- Wrote:Same here, I love DoD, cant wait for the new one to come out.
What's your name on DoD? Mines Cidien. I play almost exclusively on Grimm's servers. Where do you play?
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Cidien Wrote:What's your name on DoD? Mines Cidien. I play almost exclusively on Grimm's servers. Where do you play?
Well, actually, I dont have DoD, I have just played it alot at friends houses. I used to have it, but someone stole my CD key so now I cant play it anymore.
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i only have 256 ram i want at least 2 gig i can go up to 4gigs
"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE
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Im goin to get it as soon as i get the cash my comp can run it no prob but i have to put it on my laptop to play online though

is the single player fun too?
"Screw Shivalry!" [INDENT]~Last Exile[/INDENT]
"Do not mock the baka it will consume you!" [INDENT]~BlackDragon[/INDENT]
"Always remember, stupid people in large quantities are dangerous."
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-spike- Wrote:Well, actually, I dont have DoD, I have just played it alot at friends houses. I used to have it, but someone stole my CD key so now I cant play it anymore.
Go spend $10 at the store of $5 on ebay and just buy a new half life game lol. I'd pay a monthly fee if I had to to play DoD. It's my favorite online game period. (since i quit playing everquest anyways)
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Well playing through half-life 2 now. Incredibly stupid you have to be online through steam to play single player. =/ Personally I don't like survival horror games, so i'm liking this one less and less, even if it is a fps. I liked fighting through the beginning against humans, but now i'm stuck in raventown trying to find the stupid church and tired of killing monsters.
1) Anyone now where the church is?
2) What happened at the end of half life? I don't remember anymore, was very surprised the government was using the monsters whatever they are called as weapons against the public.
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Last Exile Wrote:i only have 256 ram i want at least 2 gig i can go up to 4gigs
4 gig Ram is like fricken overkill muchios sweetios!!!
my old PC's got 128

and my Laptop (newly aquired) has 1056ram!
but 4 gig would be like SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!
but major Overkill
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Im sick of games that are crap simgle player experiences.I had to play it on another persons computer and only had one day off work to do it in (or wait another week) so i cranked it out on easy just to check out the story.Took less than a day.About the same time as halo 2.Pretty budget game imo.Every puzzlel revolves around the physics engine so once you realise that it becomes super easy to predict/ guess what to do.I should have cranked up the difficulty and maybe it would have been a little more fun as i never died by another creature only suicides.
masamune arcade..........still in development